Saturday, December 28, 2019

FlexJobs Identifies 15 Common Flexible Side Jobs

FlexJobs Identifies 15 Common Flexible Side Jobs Identifies 15 Common Flexible Side Jobs 2Despite a healthy economy and strong labor market, many U.S. workers still rely on side jobs for additional income outside of their primary career. To highlight the variety of side jobs available to professionals, weve identified 15 common flexible side jobs that can be used to supplement the income made from a full- or part-time job.A side gig or side hustle- once known as moonlighting- is a job that allows workers to earn extra cash while working flexible hours that accommodates a full-time job or daily responsibilities.You might already be one of the one-third of Americans who say they need to earn supplemental income to pay for their regular living expenses or the nearly half of millennials currently participating in the gig economy.About These 15 Common Flexible Side JobsBelow are 15 common side jobs. Each link will bring you to current job listings for that specific type of job. The job l istings all offer part-time hours, are either employee or freelance jobs, and may offer remote work options. Weve also included the average hourly satz for each job based on U.S. national salary data from the compensation data platform PayScale.Customer Service RepresentativeThird-party services and individual companies hire customer service representatives to assist customers in using their products and services, adding or reducing services, solving issues, and more. U.S. national average hourly satz $14EditorEditors help print and online publications, companies, and organizations ensure their content is well-written and effective. U.S. national average hourly rate $20ESL TeacherPeople with excellent English speaking and writing skills can help non-native English speakers learn the language as ESL teachers. U.S. national average hourly rate $20Graphic DesignerWorking with brands, companies, government agencies, or nonprofits, graphic designers assist with branding, web design, prin t publications, and much more. U.S. national average hourly rate $17InterpreterPeople with outstanding language skills in two or more languages will find a variety of work in interpretation. For people with other specialized knowledge, like a medical or scientific background, specialized interpreting jobs exist. U.S. national average hourly rate $20Management ConsultantConsultants are hired by a huge variety of industries and companies to lend their particular expertise to help solve problems and improve business practices. U.S. national average hourly rate $60Medical CoderHealth insurance companies and medical providers hire medical coders to ensure accurate and fast coding of patient visits, procedures, and related information to assist with medical billing. U.S. national average hourly rate $18PhotographerPhotographers are hired to visually bring out the best for clients, which may be small businesses, print and online publications, products, and many others. U.S. national averag e hourly rate $16ProofreaderBringing an eye for details, proofreaders help educational publications, news outlets, book publishers, online media, and many other content producers spot errors and produce high-quality content. U.S. national average hourly rate $18Sales RepresentativeFor a huge variety of products and services, sales representatives help bring in new business, upgrade existing customers, and save potentially lost clients. U.S. national average hourly rate $15Social Media ManagerCompanies hire social media managers to help with marketing on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. U.S. national average hourly rate $16TranscriberWorking with a variety of audio content, transcribers use speedy and precise typing skills to create written versions to accompany the audio for distribution. U.S. national average hourly rate $15TutorTutors are hired to help clients learn subjects like math, science, and languages, or to prepare for specific standardize d tests like the ACT, SAT, GMAT, LSAT, and others. U.S. national average hourly rate $18Virtual AssistantUsing a combination of skills, virtual assistants act as administrative and personal assistants for clients while working completely remotely. U.S. national average hourly rate $16WriterWriters are hired to create content for everything from company websites and online media outlets to print publications and more. U.S. national average hourly rate $20Millennials, mid-career professionals, and older workers can all benefit from incorporating a side hustle into their work life. Some tips on how to land a side gig include understanding ones transferable professional skills, honing in ones skills and passions, and networking.What are you waiting for? Browse thousands of flexible part-time jobs right now.BOOST YOUR INCOME WITH FLEXIBLE SIDE JOBS

Monday, December 23, 2019

Simple Steps to a Corporate Employee Wellness Program

Simple Steps to a Corporate Employee wohlbefinden ProgramSimple Steps to a Corporate Employee Wellness ProgramDeveloping an employee wohlbefinden program can be an effective way to reduce health insurance premium costs and produce a much happier, and healthier workforce. All of these factors add up to greater levels of productivity that can generate additional business revenues. Many business leaders dont know how to abflug a corporate wellness program that gets results. Here, you will find 8 steps to take towards creating an employee wellness program for your workforce. Use an Employee Survey to Evaluate Needs The best designed corporate wellness benefits and programs focus on the actual needs of employees. How can you get this detailed information? Conduct a workplace survey and ask employees directly. Get at least 5 to 10 low-cost wellness ideas out there for wellness perks and see what are the most popular that your employees choose. Identify Wellness and Lifestyle Issues As parte of your survey, you will also be assessing the lifestyle concerns and wellness needs that employees have. For some, it could be getting more active for others, it could be to reach targeted health goals. Get to the heart of these needs to increase participation in the wellness program. Find a Corporate Wellness Technology Tool To facilitate your corporate wellness program, its time to research and find a technology product that can help employees self-manage their wellness goals. There are many wellness tech tools that can help employees keep their health in check, track fitness, and weight loss goals, and connect with the resources they need to make informed choices. Partner with the Employee Benefits Company and Wellness Vendors A successful wellness program is made up of many people and resources, including the support of the employee benefits company and wellness vendors. Be sure to work directly with the insurance broker to find out what wellness benefits and tools already exist, because many offer free and low-cost options now. Connect and establish a directory of local wellness vendors to provide services like onsite massage therapy, healthy cooking demos, and even discounted wellness gear. Establish a Written Employee Wellness Policy and Team Just like any other employee policy you create, you will also want to publish clear employee wellness program guidelines and make them part of your employee handbook. Hand them out when recruiting and when enrolling employees in their benefit plans, and have posters around the workplace that educate employees about this wellness initiative. Host a Wellness Event Centered on Employees One way that many companies roll out their wellness programs is with an onsite health and wellness fair for employees and their families. Work with local vendors to participate, and include a wide variety of wellness interests to make this a successful vorstellung. Time the wellness event around certain dates . Schedule one at least two months before the annual open enrollment period. Promote Health and Provide Wellness Incentives in a Fun Way While your wellness fair will be a fun event, its no substitute for year-round education and promotion of your wellness program. Make it a part of your corporate culture with ongoing incentives for employees to take steps to better their health. Host walking and running clubs, have an area on campus for fitness and de-stressing and create marketing around the idea of wellness at work. Gather Feedback and Results for Future Improvements Over time, your company will be able to spot trends in the way employees respond to and participate in wellness programs. Success stories will emerge out of the ranks of those who take part in the wellness offerings. Make sure to gather feedback and ideas for future enhancements to the program.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

12 Gift Ideas for Flight Instructors

12 Gift Ideas for Flight Instructors12 Gift Ideas for Flight InstructorsLooking for a great gift idea for a flight instructor? If your instructor changed your life by teaching you how to fly,they deserve something special. Heres a list of gift ideas for the flight instructor that covers awide range of budget options. 01Ipad AccessoriesGetty/Jacom StephensMore and mora flight instructors are using new cockpit technologies, includingiPads, in the cockpit. For the instructor with an iPad, its safe to say that theyre in the market for the latest and greatest tablet accessories. A new kneeboard or iPad mount would makea great gift. And while gift cards arent the most creative option, an iTunes gift card would certainly be valuable to a flight instructor, as they can apply it toward their favorite iTunes subscription service like ForeFlight or a new training app.02Bose HeadsetTheres a good chance that theflight instructor youre buying forhas been wearing the same pair of headsets that hes had since he started flying. Theyre probably old, used and abused. A new headset is always a nice surprise. If your budget allows, spring for Bose headsets or another high-end pair.?03Tech-Friendly Winter GlovesInstructors are always taking gloves on and off. Between putting oil in during preflight to taking notes on the iPad during student landing practice, instructors need warm, tech-friendly gloves. They easily get dirty and are worn frequently in the winter, so having mora than one pair is a bonus04Teaching GadgetsPilots love gadgets, and flight instructors like teaching gadgets. Flight instructors love things like highlighter tape, chart covers, little model airplanes,miniature runways, supersized airfoils, old flight instruments, gyroscopes and various other teaching gadgets. A gift basket full of gadgets would be a great gift idea for the flight instructor.05Laser Pointer/PenEvery instructor needs about five or ten laser pointers, just for fun. Sportys Pilot Shop makes a grea t all-in-one tool for instructorpilots that has a laser pointer, pen, and flashlight in one.06TransceiverA transceiver is necessary when your student solos, and it gets old having to borrow transceivers from other instructors or use the old barely-working ones from local FBOs. A shiny newIcom A6 COM Transceiverwill be cherished and well-used by theflight instructor.07Digital LogbookA digital logbook makes a flight instructors job easier. Its a great gift idea for the instructor that is still using a paper logbook. A digital logbook like LogTenPro calculates different flight times automatically, making it easier to find and calculate things like the number of night cross-country GPS approaches when needed. It also makes the logbook searchable, so if a flight instructor wanted to look up the details of a cross-country flight with a particular student, he could search by student name, date, etc.08Aircraft ModelA model airplane is always a great gift choice. Choose a model aircraft that the instructor favors and personalize it with the tail number and paint scheme.09ChartsFlight instructors are always buying new charts. Paying for a few months of a subscription service from Jeppesen would brighten his day. Even an instructor that uses electronic charts should have paper charts on hand as a backup.10Aviation AttireEvery flight instructor likes aviation-related attire. Choose something that fits the instructors personality. If hes funny and goofy, then go for one of those funny aviation shirts. A more serious instructor might appreciate a classic baseball cap with a logo or airplane on it.11Food and WineInstructors dont always get paid well and its a long-standing joke that they are starving pilots, so a gift card for a restaurant or a basket of goodies would be appropriate. Many flight instructors will tell you that a bottle of wine or liquor makes a great gift, but alcohol isnt always appropriate. If you have to question the idea at all, its probably best to avoid it.12Flashlight or LED HeadlampFlashlights are always getting lost or broken (or borrowed and never returned). A flight instructor can never have too many flashlights on hand. Aim for a really nice one with white, red and blue bulbs that are easy to distinguish from each other in the dark. A headlamp makes a great gift as well, as it frees up the hands for other tasks like adding oil or taking notes.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Have an Interesting Conversation at Work

How to Have an Interesting Conversation at WorkHow to Have an Interesting Conversation at WorkKnowing how to have an interesting conversation is a great way to demonstrate communication skills. If you want to have more than just some conversation, check these tips below.It will help you avoid those conversations we feel are cringe-worthy and also help you be a better networker. After all, people may not remember exactly what you said but they will remember how you made them feel.Show genuine interest in the personAsking simple questions like, How did you do that?, can go a long way. Let people explain to you why they are geniuses and you will see how to have an interesting conversation. Asking questions to keep the conversation going can become some of the best conversations to have.Keep the conversation positiveHave you ever met a person who thinks the way to have an interesting conversation is to bring up the negative side of everything?An old Saturday Night Live skit referred to t his as being a Debbie Downer. After hearing the best nachrichtensendung ever, the Debbie Downer contributes with negative opinions to completely deflate the great news.No one needs to know the negative side to everything. Unless they specifically ask, What can go wrong with this?, keep the negative comments for your own imagination.Try not to dominate the conversationWhen you are meeting a new group of people, demonstrate communication skills by finding out more about THEM.A common mistake people make when starting a new job is that they are so eager to impress, they never stop talking about themselves.Give the staff time to find out what you can do without lengthy monologues about your life. All good things come in good time. Look for key points to contribute to conversations or start them when you feel the time is right. If you sense you are overwhelming people, back off the conversation and let it end.Stick to safe topicsStay away from topics involving politics, religion, and per sonal habits. No one at work needs to know who you worship, voted for in the last election, or how many times a week you wash your hair.In recent years with social media and the current political climate, such topics almost seem to come up by accident.Unfortunately, unsafe topics may also lead to animosity in the workplace. Demonstrate communication skills by sticking to safe topics. This way, you are respecting peoples beliefs by never talking about them.Have a conversation, not a comparison-conversationSome conversations fall into the trap of becoming a comparison-conversation. For example, a colleague comes in explaining her happiness with her childs recent academic accomplishment. You may want to discuss your childs success as a way of being relatable or adding to the conversation.But if you do this, the colleague may look at you, as if you are stealing her thunder ie. Comparing achievements. Demonstrate communication skills by letting the colleague brag and respond only with po sitive statements of support and congratulations.Give people the stage when they want it. Knowing how to have an interesting conversation often begins with understanding give and take. When you are giving, your attitude is more like, There you are When you are taking, it is more like, Here I am.Embrace what you are hearing without judging itEye contact and simply listening can help you have an interesting conversation. For those who work with customers in the general public, this comes up often. Sometimes people just want to talk without being challenged or judged.If someone is ranting about something they did, and you disagree with it, do not offer a judgment statement like, It sounds like you should have done this instead.Not only is that behavior obnoxious, it also shows you care more about hearing your own voice.Be yourselfSometimes someone just wants to talk, and for some reason, you cannot verstndigung im strafverfahren with it. Believe it or not, people will be more likely to talk to you again in the future if they feel you care only about how to have an interesting conversation.If the conversation is one that makes you uncomfortable, and you do not want to be a part of it, you are showing character by politely excusing yourself.You also demonstrate communication skills by excusing yourself without being rude. A simple, My apologies. You caught me in the middle of something. I have to run. is a polite way of stepping away from an uncomfortable conversation.The problem with staying in too many conversations you disagree with is that eventually, you will attract people who love to talk about things you take issue with. The worst feeling is to get caught in a conversation about something rude or offensive, and then being associated with that conversation. You did nothing to let that person know, This conversation makes me uncomfortable.Above all, being yourself is key to building the right network for yourself Read more from this blog on how to build relat ionships at work.

Monday, December 9, 2019

New Step by Step Roadmap for Online Cv

New Step by Step Roadmap for Online Cv Where to Find Online Cv Its high-quality PSD file is totally customizable. Using the advice provided in the cv editor left vertical menu youll be able to make the greatest possible impression at your interview and receive the job. Addressing the design even though the content of your CV is extremely important, its design will likewise be considered by potential employers. Zetys resume vorlages are made with the assistance of recruiters and adhere to the best practices in HR. If you become stuck, or in case you are in need of a little inspiration look at our CV writing tips. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is shown to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is reasonable. Make certain you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Whether you want to submit an application for a designers job in a creative agency, or want to submit an application for a hot job in a major bank, professional resumes are going to have you covered. Classic search techniques, like checking for job postings, are an excellent starting point, but never quit trying to find additional strategies to locate the next job. Based on the sort of application process youre addressing, it can be appropriate to include samples of your work in your CV. Settle on which sections you must put in your CV (dependent on the job which youre applying for), and which ones youre able to remove. The specialities part of your summary is perfect for listing your professional skills. Understanding Online Cv If youre looking to create your CV online, why dont you choose CVSafe. How you present your CV is all up to you. Its not necessary to worry about what things to have in your CV, we have it all covered. You will readily have the ability to edit your CV to attain a personalized and targeted presentation. Resume Maker is a top-notch app which allows you to make appealing CV with minimal work. All our resumes are a breeze to edit and they are also able to be customized to your liking.A CV template can help you to structure your CV in a sense thats simple to read and simple to digest. A totally free CV template supplies you with a crystal clear structure for your document. Employing a cv template can be a simple method of writing your cv. You can discover the finest Logistics CV templates here. You do not have to fill in many forms and applications to start. In general, it is a great app for making a good-looking document super-fast While our on-line design tools will help to make certain your CV appears just as it should. Show your complete potential by producing the very best possible CV through their disruptive on-line resumes and eye-catching PDF templates It is possible to edit and adjust the plan of your CV template as you fill in the various sections. All artwork and text are wholly customizable. The sections are simple to skim for the most relevant info. You can also make your own custom made sections. The Fundamentals of Online Cv Revealed Youll locate a selection of premium quality example CVs on our website. In comparison to a telephone interview, applicants receive an opportunity to truly show off and tell their whole story with netz interviews. Based on the business or position youre applying for, it may ask you to bring some personality. Certainly the caliber and clarity of the very first page of your CV is going to be a crucial aspect in determining whether you will be the proper sort of person for a function. In addition the entire CV appears using the exact same colour scheme. A seasoned CV writer is going to have the knowledge and capacity to compose your CV in a manner that will present you in the the finest possible light. In many areas of the Earth, a CV photo isnt only recommended but required.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Start of Questionnaire for Resume Writing

The Start of Questionnaire for Resume Writing Now, employers understand very well that it is challenging to continue the job with numerous employers with no gap. Furthermore, the very best and professional writers understand the demands of government departments very well. A work applicant will be highly conscious of the importance of a perfectly crafted resume. Impress your employer The Resume can earn a very first impression in the view of an employer. Questionnaire for Resume Writing at a Glance Each employer would need to evaluate hundred or maybe thousands of job applications within a brief time period. Your experience should tackle every necessary qualification in the job announcement. Finding a job is a crucial portion of someones life. Well, now completion for each and every job was raised so much and employers have zero opportunity to waste on the particulars of every resume. Who Else Wants to Learn About Questionnaire for Resume Writing? The process is quite ea sy. Naturally, its much important to find the assistance of some expert writer to prepare the most effective federal resume because the demands of federal resume are much different than resume required for private job. By keeping the above mentioned demand in view, plenty of inexpensive resumes andonline resume writing services are offered for the ease of candidates, but its not easy for all of the jobless candidates to bear the excessive professional resume writing rates. The majority of the resumes writing services dont offer you the chance of direct contact by making use of their writers. Upon payment you will immediately get the worksheet, via email. If you arent certain what things to search for in a sample, look past the aesthetic qualities and see whether they included over a list of job duties. Every work listing at USAJobs incorporates detailed requirements. Since resumes are largely digitally sent, there is absolutely no need to have a printout and sign the resume. It is necessary to see cover letter samples since they play a substantial function in job applications in the country by explaining the true you. During the time you are hunting for work, your cover letter is very important so that you cant afford to compromise. Nothing differs in the auffhrung of deciding upon the resume writing service. A Startling Fact about Questionnaire for Resume Writing Uncovered Needless to say, you want some expert help in developing this kind of awesome resume for your LinkedIn profile. Curriculum vitae The CV reflects the individuals attitude to the profession. If a content writer develops its LinkedIn resume and try using some weird keyword for its profession like Content Artist, he then will not receive the expected reaction. Utilizing a Resume Quesionnaire is a superior approach to assemble and organize your own personal information for your resume. Even though you can find sample questions within the job requirements, you wont find the tru e assessment till you initiate work application. The majority of the extensive courses you have completed will supply you with a certificate. The resume prepared by the candidate should remain appealing and ought to consist of necessary details. Resume editing service must have some vital characteristics to assure the success rate in line with the needs of new trends. The Truth About Questionnaire for Resume Writing The significance of questionnaire is evident in plenty of processes as it allows entities to have some idea about the items and information they want to know. You could also check out the way to prepare a questionnaire. There are various explanations for why questionnaires are created. As much as possible, utilize a conversational language unless its a strict scientific questionnaire which youre creating.